Benchmark Debt Solutions

Benchmark Case Management Software


35 years of market leading innovation

For 35 years we have been continuously innovating and improving our world class debt enforcement platform known as Benchmark. Arguably one of the market leaders across the UK, it is also being used in countries further afield including the USA and India. Benchmark focuses only on your enforcement requirements and nothing else.


Benchmark is well known, well liked, affordable and the preferred option of many small, medium and large enforcement companies across the industry. Some having grown with Benchmark from a 5 concurrent user license and now using in excess of 500 concurrent users.


Please look at our testimonials page for further information.

How can Benchmark grow your business?

Benchmark is cutting-edge cloud-based software that supports all Microsoft, Apple and Google browsers in the marketplace, allowing you to login using any internet enabled device from anywhere in the World.


It can be managed by all enforcement companies including High Court Enforcement, local government agencies with in-house enforcement departments, property developers, parking operators, debt collection agencies, evictions, security companies and solicitors. Data can be either electronically imported or manually generated at the beginning of the Compliance Stage. (If CCJ, to qualify for transfer up to the High Court scheme for enforcement by a High Court Enforcement Officer (HCEO), it must be £600 or above, including fees & costs, and less than 6 years old).


Benchmark works hard to reduce all staff processing costs, and eliminate errors during the enforcement process. This includes the generating of documents, emails, SMS texting, allocating work to your enforcement agents, calculation and application of fees, automated Google mapping to show your enforcement agent on the road all their destinations as colour coded pins on a Google map, visit reports, geofencing of GPS co-ordinates, calculation and application of payment arrangements and financials including generating statements and if necessary, communicating electronically with your clients.


Benchmark is the most complete and the most well known of all the enforcement platforms available on the open market.

Case Workflow

Workflow tools built into Benchmark automatically generating timed letter packs and applying the Enforcement fees (where applicable) as per your requirements.

Google Mapping and Agent Visit Reports

Your agents can view their debtor calls through an integral Benchmark link to Google maps which show their debtor calls as a colour coded pin on the map. This colour coded pin takes the agents directly to the front door and not just the general postcode area, and represents the urgency of the call according to the client’s service level agreement (SLA) with Red being very urgent, Amber getting close to urgent and Green being normal. Once at the appropriate destination, the agents can fill in an automated on-site Visit Report based on a selection of existing Visit Report templates on their mobile web enabled device. The Visit Report ensures all the relevant questions are answered, nothing is missed and photographs of the front door and anything else is photographed and attached to the report.

Importing tools

Where your clients are able to export their new case instructions in an electronic file format such as CSV, .DAT, or Excel for example, Benchmark has the built in functionality to electronically import that data once the field layout has been determined and validated.

Analysis and reporting

MOJ reporting to update your HCEO. Dynamic Reports can be created to your specification directly querying your SQL tables.

Email from and to your cases

Benchmark InBox email system to allow authorised users to automatically update a Benchmark case, attached reports, images, emails without the need to logon to Benchmark

Keep cases on track

Our Overnight Process monitors your cases to ensure that targets are being met and arrangements are not in default. Service Level Agreement (SLA) reporting keeps your Agents on target.

In many ways, Benchmark’s services and software acts as a ‘guardian angel’ to our Agents and operations, keeping an eye on everything we do and reporting back to our team and to the clients themselves.
Quite simply, it is outstanding.

From the office or on the doorstep

As seen on TV

The Sheriffs are Coming!, Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! and Call the Bailiffs: Time to Pay Up are reality television series following Enforcement Agents as they seek to recover monies for their respective clients.


The Enforcement Agents in the series use Benchmark as their Case Management platform. Take a look at what the companies they work for have said about Benchmark in the testimonials section of this website.

A word from the cEO

In creating the Benchmark platform, we have provided our clients with all the latest tools they need to achieve a leading position in the enforcement industry.


Many of our clients have told us that they wished they had used Benchmark  sooner. We are very reasonably priced to attract small businesses as well as medium to very large corporate sized companies..


Lately we have been designing all types of data exchange programs to allow you to offer the services of importing new cases, import payments, importing bulk notes, importing bulk closed cases, importing bulk transfer ups and to export financial data and completed cases back to your clients.


With thousands of enforcement companies, local authorities, solicitors and collection agencies, in addition to many in-house enforcement departments across the United Kingdom and with High Court Enforcement debt now at an all time high, now is the time to streamline your business and get the right software platform installed.


Let our Benchmark be your Benchmark.


Chris Thompson
CEO Benchmark Debt Solutions Limited


If you would like to discuss how Benchmark could help your business, please feel free to give us a call or use the contact form below to get in touch.

    I’ve been in this industry at every level, and I’ve seen technology come and go, but Benchmark will be here to stay, for the long run, as it is up there with the most vital tools that we use.

    I don’t say this lightly – we couldn’t do what we do without Benchmark. It is one of the key ingredients to our success as a company within this industry.