Benchmark Debt Solutions


Benchmark is a comprehensive Debt Enforcement Platform for High Court enforcement and Local Government enforcement amongst other types of debt. Providing your company with a fully integrated cloud based solution with the following…

  • Office Portal

    The main location from where your staff can access the complete package. Being cloud based, they can do this from the office, at home or anywhere in between.

  • Client Portal

    Allow your clients to access the progress on their cases, or even update their cases with some information if you decide to give them access.

  • Agent Portal

    The Agent Portal is designed for use on a web enabled tablet or smart phone using either a Microsoft, Apple or Google browser. It is the essential tool for the enforcement agents to access their cases out in the field. With an integral link to Google maps, Benchmark can show your enforcement agents all their debtor destinations on a Google map with colour coded pins, which will allow them to plan their routes according to the most urgent cases first. Once a case has been selected photographs can be taken and attached to the chosen Visit Report, together with a variety of other questions and answers to complete the report. Benchmark automatically records the GPS position where the report was written, acting as evidence the enforcement agent has attended the debtors premises.

  • EXAP Portal

    Our EXAP (External Agent Portal) portal allows other external enforcement companies using their own Benchmark license to securely access your case perhaps in a far distant region of the country (where express permission has been given and simply setup) and perform the same enforcement agent functions such as visit reports, record notes, setup payment arrangements, record photographic material etc for you, just as if it was completed by your own staff.

Schemes Available

  • High Court Enforcement

  • Writ of Possessions

  • Council Tax

  • NNDR

  • CRAR

  • Council PCN

  • Private PCN

  • Evictions

  • Process Serving

  • Employment Tribunal

  • Forfeiture

  • Insolvency

  • Statutory Demand

  • Sundry Debt

top features

Case Workflow

Workflow tools built into Benchmark automatically generating timed letter packs and applying the Enforcement fees (where applicable) as per your requirements.

Importing tools

Where your clients are able to export their new case instructions in an electronic file format such as CSV, .DAT, or Excel for example, Benchmark has the built in functionality to electronically import that data once the field layout has been determined and validated.

Agent Visit Reports

Your Agents completing their Visit Reports based on a selection of existing or bespoke Visit Report templates on their mobile web enabled devices.

Payment Arrangements

Payment Arrangements can be calculated, agreed and applied either in the office or at the doorstep.

Email from and to your cases

Benchmark InBox email system to allow authorised users to automatically update a Benchmark case, attaching reports, images, emails without the need to logon to Benchmark.

Keep cases on track

Our Overnight Process monitors your cases to ensure that targets are being met and arrangements are not in default. Service Level Agreement (SLA) reporting keeps your Agents on target.

Analysis and reporting

MOJ reporting to update your HCEO. Dynamic Reports can be created to your specification directly querying your SQL tables.


The optional EXAP allows larger companies to have their cases enforced by external panel members.

Allocation of cases

Individual or Bulk allocation of case instructions to your enforcement agents.

Letters and Fees

Ad hock letters and fees/disbursements can be applied at any time or configured to be produced automatically through a Workflow.

Bespoke Letters

Unlimited HTML Letter Templates, mail merging the case data all editable and under your control.

Client Portal

Client portal allowing your clients to view your cases, and make various adjustments to their cases subject to you giving the necessary permissions.


Flags such from No Effects, Goods Under Control Order, Violent Debtor and Vulnerable Debtor to quickly alert operators and agents. Additionally create your own Recommended Actions for specific notices such as ‘Dangerous Dogs’ etc.


Comprehensive receipting facilities, allocating monies to various pre agreed formulas with your client(s) such as Pro-Rata, or Client first, or bespoke.

Reporting Export

Various Reporting facilities most of which can be exported to MS Excel or exported to CSV to import into external software.

Data Exchange

Data Exchange options to integrate your Benchmark data into virtually any external application.


Geofencing on Visit Reports with full GPS history to prove the validity of the charges raised.

Google Maps

Automated Google mapping to show your enforcement agent on the road all their destinations as SLA colour coded pins on a Google map.

The team at Benchmark have written a platform that reflects their superior knowledge gained over 30 years of experience and association with the Debt Enforcement industry. They are always open to talk about new ideas, and implementing new technologies to help us keep on top of the market place ourselves.

Chris Lucas-Jones, Managing Director

Absolute Enforcement Services