Benchmark Debt Solutions

The Benchmark Workflow

Local Government


  • Automatic: Compliance Fee is applied to the case.
  • Automatic: The Notice of Enforcement is created, converted to PDF and placed in both the case files and the EPrint folder on the server, ready to be uploaded by your third party printing company.

3 days after Creation

  • Automatic: If an email address for the debtor exists, an email is created and sent with the copy of the Notice of Enforcement PDF attached.

21 days after Creation

  • Manual: Compliance Days Expired Report on the summary section of the Main Menu will indicate that there are cases which are ready to be assigned to an agent. Office user opens the Book Out Manager and uses the filter criteria to assign work to the agents.
  • Automatic: On book out, the agent front sheet is created on each case assigned to the agent and an email is sent to them informing them of the number of cases assigned and containing a link to Benchmark for them to log in and view the cases.

Enforcement Stage to Sale Stage

  • Manual: Agent makes first visit and completes Visit Report on the mobile portal.
  • Automatic: After first Visit Report is completed the First Enforcement fee is automatically applied. If there are linked cases, the fee takes the value of all cases into account and applies the resulting fee to the first case in the list (the top case). The other linked cases have a zero first enforcement fee applied to them. If the Contact Made With dropdown has anything other than no-one and the Visit Outcome list is anything other than the top two options, then create an alert for the office to review the report.
  • When the first Visit Report is submitted by the agent, should the PDF of the Visit Report be automatically created and attached to the case in all circumstances, or only if it has not been flagged for review? Should the Visit Report be emailed to the client if it has been created automatically?
  • Manual: Second Visit Report is made by the agent.
  • Automatic: The agent will be deallocated from the case seven days after the second visit if the following criteria are met: On the second visit report the Contact Made With dropdown has anything other than no-one and the Visit Outcome list is anything other than the top two options. If there is an outstanding balance, the case is open and not on Arrangement or Hold, the Removal Notice is created and case is moved onto Sale Stage.
  • Automatic: If an email address for the debtor exists, an email is created and sent with the copy of the Removal Notice PDF attached.
  • Manual: Office user opens the Book Out Manager and uses the filter criteria to assign work to the agents.
  • Manual: Agent makes third visit and completes Visit Report. The agent will have the option in this scenario to ‘Add Sale Fee’ Yes/No.
  • Automatic: If the Sale Fee is added or there is contact with then create an alert/flag on report for the office to review the case.
  • Automatic: If there is no Sale fee added and no contact, then seven days later create an alert/flag on report for the office to review the case.

The team at Benchmark have written a platform that reflects their superior knowledge gained over 30 years of experience and association with the Debt Enforcement industry. They are always open to talk about new ideas, and implementing new technologies to help us keep on top of the market place ourselves.

Chris Lucas-Jones, Managing Director

Absolute Enforcement Services